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Property Advice

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Q– I am planning on putting my house on the market shortly. Should I wait until I get a buyer or should I contact my Solicitor now to prepare the paperwork? What documents will I need? A – There is now a long list of documents required to enable your Solicitor prepare acceptable contracts and

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My application with the Injuries Board has been released, but I’m not sure why. What should I do now? The Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB) also known as The Injuries Board is a statutory body which is the first forum that deals with most cases where you are looking for compensation for personal injuries arising

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Q?  I am extremely anxious to buy an investment property before the Capital Gains Tax relief ends this year.  I was thinking about buying one at the next Allsops Auction. Is there anything that I should watch out for over and above what needs to be checked in a normal property purchase? A. Property transactions